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I would like to advise my fellow cantors:

1st) to love what they do,

to read a lot

to listen and

to practice.

This is what this art needs, like any art. Nothing is easily conquered. The gift of calligraphy and melody alone is not enough without studying.


2nd) the cantor must be humble and a servant of the divine art, that is, to be modest and hardworking and not greedy and arrogant. We are servants of the Lord and of the church and with fear and conscience we ascend EVERY TIME to the psalter.

3rd) As a person I believe that I am polite, but as a musician I am strict, and a perfectionist with myself mostly, and I demand that other chanters be careful with the chanting and treat it with due seriousness and conscientiousness. Everyone has different abilities, but those who want to engage in this art should try as hard as they can to offer the best possible. Otherwise, the result will be unfortunate for them, for the church and for our musical heritage.

4th) At the beginning of your singing career, it is better not to try difficult executions if you are not confident about the result. The great teachers and calligraphers of our Byzantine music who have great experience are able to achieve perfection; as for the rest, it is always to perfect the easy performances first and move on to the difficult ones later.

5th) It is necessary to always prepare beforehand (preferably the previous day) and be in good physical condition (the same applies to singers as well).


6th) Consult your teachers, where you have questions or difficulties. I am certain that all teachers are pleased when they help fascinated students. It is better not to try to improvise if you are not sure what you are doing because this music has limitations in style, and definitely, what the cantor performs should be in line with Byzantine music and not a song, or amanes.

Those trying to become good singers should keep in mind that their efforts will be appreciated. The greatest ‘profit’ I made after for so many years of chanting, has been the acceptance of the people and my colleagues, but mainly of my teachers.

Keep in mind that the good psalmist raises the prayer of the church, helps the believer to better experience their repentance, their prayer and their thanksgiving.

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